3 Apr 2006

Richter plays Chopin

Sviatoslav Richter can play (very fast)!


Anonymous said...

Before he starts playing ... you can hear the Russian words "the 4th Etude...". I was thinking ... Richter was probably one of the most known Russian pianists of "old generation" (after Horowitz).

Shablagoo! said...

What with Gilels, Rostropovich, and Oistrakh as well as Richter Russia/Ukraine/The Soviet Union certainly nurtured some he finest classical artists of the 20 Century! Horowitz, the master... that brings me to my next youtube discovery. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't let me start on Horowitz... :) He is my God (since I play piano). I think I need to write about him... I really have so much to say. He is one and only... Did you listen to his Kreisleriana? And Scarlatti sonatas? And his crazy way of playing Rachmaninov and Scraibin ... I just love it! There is a very interesting book on him by David Dubal called "Evenings with Horowitz". Great book! I have his DVD "Horowitz in Moscow" -- he was 82 years old, and returned to Russia after 60-year of absence. When he played Schumann... men in the audience cried (women cried during the entire performance) :). Well, it's a Russian thing...

Shablagoo! said...

I have a whole shelf's worth of his recordings including many of those you mention above. :) I've read the 'Evenings' book as well. I find it interesting that he was generally dismissive or non-plussed by most of the pianists that followed in his wake with the notable exceptions of Richter and Michelangeli.